Cast iron 2,5 kg Weight
The total weight of your structure is increased while maintaining the original aspect of your Spheria®. The weight is fixed inside the half sphere.
Cast iron 2,5 kg weight.
Description : Cast iron 2,5 kg weight, ø16 cm, 25 mm thick, 31mm.
Includes : One cast iron 2,5 kg weight, ø16 cm, one compression spring, one pvc spacer.
Materials : Grey cast iron.
Function : Fixed inside the half sphere for a reinforced weight while maintaining the original and elegant aspect of the Spheria®.
Assembly : The weight is easily fixed on the conical column inside the half sphere. If needed additional weights can be fixed inside and held in place with a compression spring.
Shipping : Cardboard DS1 : 24 cm x 24 cm x 12 cm.
Delivery : Shipment via UPS
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