Legal notices

The website is owned by Kallia, SARL with a capital of 51 150 euros. Its head office is situated 51 rue Pierre Demours - 75017 Paris - France.

• RCS number : Paris 405351610
• Vat number  : FR83405351610
• CNIL declaration number : 1913385v0
• Director of the site : Bruno Pradines
• Phone number : +33 1 40 53 80 84
• e-mail :
• Web hosting : Equinix Datacentre IBX PA3 de Paris

© 1996-2016 Kallia

Spheria® and Senji® are registered trademarks.
© 2016
Latest update : 26 janvier 2016

Intellectual Property
All the texts, graphic designs, pictures, logos, trademarks, and more generally all the elements on this website as well as the website itself cannot be in any way reproduced or represented, fully or in part, on any medium whatsoever without the prior and express written authorisation from Kallia, in accordance with the article L122-4 of the Intellectual Property and Royalties rights.


The informations given on the website are provided for guidance only. They are not contractual and Kallia cannot be held responsible for their contents.
They can be modified or updated without prior notice.

Kallia cant be held responsible for :

    - the impossibility to access the website
    - the possible omissions or mistakes that may be found in the website

French data protection

The personal data collected are only for the communication of Kallia. No personal data is transfered to third parties or used for commercial purposes. In accordance with the french law « Informatique et Libertés » n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, this site has been declared to the CNIL, the French data protection agency. In accordance with the law  « Informatique et Libertés » above mentioned, any person who has left his contact information on the website, has the right of access, rectification and is entitled to remove his personal data, by sending a mail to


Conception : Kallia

Development : L&B Synergie - Kallia
You can download the terms and conditions in pdf format by clicking on the following link.